Transcomnet (3rd variation), (2013), interactive installation with sound, mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road signs: 76 x 105 cm, 105 x 76 cm, 90 x 90 cm, sound was composed by József Mayer, „Transcomnet”, Synagogue Trnava - Ján Koniarek Gallery, Trnava (SK) Looking Into The Distance, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflectivefoil, road sign, 105 x 76 cm Queueing for the Water of Life, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm Four Days of Waiting, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 105 x 76 cm "And he bestowed upon him Paradise as home", (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm A Light-Year's Distance, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm Last Gift, (2011), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 105 x 76 cm Soul Boat, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 105 x 76 cm The Case of Trust and the Loss of Trust, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm Cleansing, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 105 x 76 cm HERE-THERE, (2013), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign Griefworkers, (2013), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign Skytree, (2013), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 105 x 76 cm Encounter in the Danger of Death: A Light-Year's Distance II., (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm Cleansing and Rotation, (2013), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 105 x 76 cm Grief in the Light of Shame: Express News With the Gossipers, (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm Letting Go, Faith and Restart: Well, Who Will Be the Father Now? (2012), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm Truce. Now You truly Deserve to Be Happy, (2013), mixed media, light-sensitive reflective foil, road sign, 76 x 105 cm Transcomnet